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Revising Drafts -- Resources: Legacy Project

About the Legacy Project

The Legacy Project is an interdisciplinary initiative that presents engaging lectures for students, faculty, staff, and members of the public. The events present an opportunity for audience members to learn important academic lessons outside the traditional classroom setting.

In fall 2013, the Legacy Project launched with a panel discussion on civil rights, featuring Theodora Smiley-Lacey, an activist and personal friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., among other speakers. In spring 2014, the team hosted lectures by Joyce Johnson and Hettie Jones, two important figures in the Beat Generation movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The following year was devoted to the issue of genocide. The four events included speakers on the Rwanda genocide, Holocaust and World War II, the Cambodia genocide, and the ongoing conflict between China and Tibet.

In fall 2015, the Legacy Project remembered the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina with award-winning comics journalist Josh Neufeld. In spring 2016, Glenn E. Martin, a nationally recognized criminal justice advocate, spoke to 300 people in the Davidson Rooms.

All of these lectures were videotaped and archived for future class discussions.
