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Health Psychology -- Sullivan: Gather Background Information

GALE EBooks (formerly GALE Virtual Reference Library)

To gather background information about your topic, we suggesting looking at reference books either online or in the CCM Library. GALE EBOOKS is a database that allows you to search many reference books at the same time AND you can narrow by topic:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Articles & Databases
  3. Scroll down to G to find Gale Ebooks / formerly the GALE Virtual Reference Library
  4. On the left side, under View Collections, choose Social Science.
  5. In the search box, you will now see it prompt "Search within Collection". You are now searching within the Social Science collection. Type in your topic (e.g. habits)
  6. Click on the title of an article to access the full text.

For a short screencast on searching Gale Ebooks, click on the video. The topic of the search is different, but the steps are the same.

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